Monday, December 20, 2010

Where has the time gone???

December has wizzed by too fast! I find Matt and I saying "didn't we want to do this or that before Christmas?" and finding that no matter what we do we will never be able to do it all. The time for avoiding all things Disney has commenced as just braving Downtown Disney yesterday resulted in insane crowds! Even my commute to work is a little slower what with all the tourists who stay in one hotel/motel or another by our house. The funny thing is, is that at Downtown Disney I encountered more Disney Cast Members than anything else! I guess because they, like I, think to themselves, "I wouldn't touch a park right now with a ten foot pole!". Ha ha. People always seem to be amazed to find out that Disney is busy during the week of Christmas. "Who would go there during Christmas??" they ask, completely astonished. "Well, right around 70,000 people....and that's just the Magic Kingdom" ha ha. It's pretty insane, I admit, as I would never have thought about going on vacation during such a decidedly family driven holiday, but I guess when you consider how many "Disney or Bust" signs I see on people's vehicles and tee-shirts, it probably IS a family event! Just a super insane, super expensive, super BUSY family event. No thanks. I prefer my Grandma's house. :o)

1 comment:

Erin said...

Here, here! I concur!