Thursday, June 25, 2009

Amazed and saddened

I realized today, just today how quickly we can get news. I am sure everyone has heard about the deaths of Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. I must say, with Michael Jackson's death I was amazed as to how QUICKLY everyone had updates. I mean as soon as it happened, there it was. Everyone I worked with quickly checked every news site they new of and there it was. I mean, it was up to the minute. It was just amazing. And even with the updates...I found myself frustrated that we didn't have answers. Its just funny that even with 50 websites with information, we still wanted to know the! With that all said, I wll say that I truly believe there were two amazing icons lost today. Michael Jackson, he may have been "Wacko Jacko", but he is and always will be the King of Pop. He was absolutely perfection at what he did. I really truly hope he finds the peace he never found on earth

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Adventures and Mis-adventures

This is a HOT day in Florida. So hot I am pretty sure if I cracked an egg on the ground it would sizzle into a perfectly rounded sunny-side up. Of course I like my eggs scrambled, so the thought of doing that is moot. Unless I had a spatula. Random....I had someone tell me that my sense of smell is amazing. Assumedly not everyone can pinpoint the smell in the Mexico pavillion to a particular moment in High School. That's how it has always worked for me I guess. I can smell something that sends my mind right back to that particular moment in time. The mind is an amazing thing sometimes. I have been reading a blog that I think is probably the most interesting thing I have read in a while. Like it was written for me. It is and it is written by a woman who resides in Utah. She is akin to me in that she was a devout Mormon for several years of her life and then decided that organized religion is not for her. She has some very interesting points of view, and its nice to read about Utah through eyes that are not the news. Its like a little piece of home. She frequently posts pictures of Utah landscape and it makes me miss my mountains looming over me on a summer evening. I am so excited to go to Utah in July!! I love and miss Utah in the summer. Something so primal about the earth and the air in Utah during the summer. You just feel like you need to get out and do something...even if you aren't the outdoorsy type. In Florida, its more about staying away from the...*shudder*...humidity. Its already beginning. Like I said...eggs.