Thursday, June 24, 2010

Onward and upward!

This week has been crazy! I am so glad that the weekend is only a day away! The funny thing is, as I was talking with a co-worker, we realized that we weren't so much busy as we are just heavy of mind. Our fearless leader will be leaving the company by the end of next week, and we have decided to propose that no one replace her. This is for many reasons, but mostly because we love our team and don't want someone to come in and ruin the climate we have been able to maintain. We are pretty self sufficient, but it has still been a lot of work preparing a proposal or the VP of Operations. As much as I am anticipating the answer to this proposal, no matter the outcome I think I will just be relieved when it is over. The whole situation has been filling my head for the past two weeks and I am excited to relax and tell myself that I have done all I can, and it is no longer in my hands. The VP is sure to have a lot of questions about it, and though I am nervous, I am pretty confident that our team will present it with the clarity that I am sure he wants. It's probably the gutsiest I have ever been with my job, but it is something I want for myself and for the team. It can't hurt to try and it helps that our current manager is behind us. It also helps that if the whole thing explodes in my face I will be able to apply for a job where my manager is going, since she said she would hire me in a minute. Ha ha.

Being so passionate about my job is a little bit scary, only because since I know that I am driven, I don't know where that leaves the rest of my life. Kids, Utah, and all of that seems so far away. I go back and forth with living in Utah, because while I miss my family and my friends more than I can say, I just don't know if I would have these opportunities if I had to start over by moving back.

Its been a lot of think about. Who knows?

Everything else has been good. Matt and I are chugging along as the heat starts to gain momentum. Needless to say the electric bill has gone up this month since our A/C is on pretty much every moment we're home. Even as i'm using the computer, the heat that is coming from it is almost too hot! It's crazy!

Matt and I are looking forward to many fun things that coming up within the next couple of months...we are going to Aerosmith in August, which I am really excited about since I have wanted to see them virtually all my life! We are also going to the "Last Tour to Endor" which I think seals us forever as both Disney and Star Wars geeks. Disney is closing "Star Tours" as we know it forever later this year, and they are changing it completely. To get ready for it, they are throwing the party where members can literally go on the "Last Tour", so we got ourselves tickets and it should be a blast! Then of course we have our cruise in September! I can't wait!

Lot's of fun things coming up! :o)

1 comment:

Erin said...

yay for lots of fun things! Your blog background is totally you and I love it. :) Miss you sis, but I am glad you are doing well and am proud of you!