Friday, November 13, 2009


This post is all about my friends. I have often been told that if I can count the number of my close friends on one hand that I am doing pretty good. Well I don't have enough hands for the number of people that I have known for a long time and still count as some of my best friends. My core group of friends found me at a time of life change: moving, growing up, figuring life out. They were doing the same thing. We bonded while trying to figure life out together. One of my friends used to say that we were born to empathize with each other. Truly we experienced many of the same trials and heatbreaks, sometimes even with the same guy. I feel like I was born to be there for my friends, as I know they would certainly be there for me. They know who they are, and they know that they are an extension of my family. I miss them when i'm gone, but when we are reunited it is like no time has gone by. It's nice to know I always have a cheering section

1 comment:

Erin said...

You lucky duck. I have always been envious of you and your plethora of friends. For me I would say that Richelle and Katie are my close friends...I suppose some people don't have even that so I guess I am pretty lucky too. Love you sis! I can't wait to see you. Three more weeks!