Tuesday, September 15, 2009


There were two instances this week where there were some serious OH SNAP moments with celebrities...first was with the Taylor Swift/Kanye West MTV Music Awards debacle. Kelly Clarkson spoke her mind on her blog saying "what's wrong with you? Did you not get hugged enough as a child?" to West. She went on to say that she disliked him more than her ex-boyfriend, "which is strange, cause I don't even know you personally". Snaps to Kelly Clarkson for putting Kanye in his place. In case you live in a box, Kanye interupted Taylor Swift when she was accepting her moon man for the "Best Female Artist Music Video" to say that Beyonce deserved it more.

The second Oh SNAP! moment was surrounding a comment that Megan Fox said stating that working with Michael Bay was like "working with Hitler" in his approach. In return for this comment Megan Fox was backhanded with a letter from an anonymous trio that supposedly work with Bay on most of his films. "Megan Fox is a classless...woman who is dumb as a brick" They started off. The letter when on to be much less than flattering to Megan Fox ultimately hoping "that they kill her character off in the first 5 minutes of Transformers 3" OH SNAP! I thought this was probably something Megan Fox had coming seeing as her big mouth had yet to get into any real trouble.

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