Twilight: A book series penned by Stephanie Meyer designed to give woman irrational expectations of men.
True Blood: A book/TV series designed to give woman irrational expectations of men. With more sex.
I have read the Twilight books several times and have seen the first movie. I have always thought that Twilight was pretty original in some of its storylines. Since watching True Blood, I am starting to wonder if Stephanie Meyer didn't get some of her ideas from another vampire series....
True Blood is based on the Southern Vampire Mysteries, a book series that was released in 2001. Twilight was released in 2005. There are a few similarities that I have started to see, that I would like to point out.
Twilight stars Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. Edward is a vampire who can hear other people's thoughts, everyone's but Bella's. He was turned into a vampire in the early 1900's and is a gentleman. He does not believe in feeding on humans, and only feeds on animals.
True Blood stars Bill Compton and Sookie Stackhouse. Bill is a vampire and Sookie is a telepath who can hear other people's thoughts, everyone's but Bill's. He was turned into a vampire in the late 1800s and is a southern gentlemen. He does not believe in feeding on humans, and only drinks Tru Blood.
Twilight has Jacob, a were-wolf with a crush on Bella.
True Blood has Sam, a were-dog with a crush on Sookie
While True Blood is much much more gruesome and less wholesome than Twilight is, the similiarities stacking up so I will post it here and see what others think.